Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A not so vain indulgence...Niquisms b'coz there is no Ctrl+S for mind data analog

Some unsaid words, some unpenned thoughts and a few often reiterated expressions...
  1. Happiness is subjective not relative...

  2. Only that what is relevant and serves your higher good stays and the rest say peace!

  3. Being bored is a strong indication of losing interest in oneself and that's a great  self-offense.

  4. Asked Why? The answer was : All the undesirable circumstances create a very desirable you...Think would you like being any other way?

  5. See the apparent but know the inherent...

  6. The real differences are always abstract nothing very concrete and humanity would be better off by mere acknowledgement of this stupid fact.

  7. Some sins carry the tag -ONLY EXCHANGE POLICY & NO RETURN POLICY.

  8. Being unaware equals to being impulsive and being aware equals to being spontaneous...

  9. The ego acts as a litmus test to know where your heart belongs and it certainly doesn't belong where ego belongs...

  10. Passion kills b'coz you are not dead yet!

  11. Boredom often creates obsessions whereas curiosity leads to real passion.

  12. God is simply an oxymoron but definitely not a moron!

  13. Embracing mediocrity is a good survival strategy in every space of life,it certainly avoids great failures and losses and most certainly anything that's grand! Care to embrace uncertainty?

  14. Every goddamn time the search for meaningfulness ends with nothingness...

  15. One of the most vain indulgences one is ever guilty of is explaining thyself!

  16. There is no escape from escape(@27)

  17. There is no vaccine for pain (@17)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Can’t see the wound
Can’t feel the need to fight
When the truth is so untrue
Ignoring the depth of water
Plunged in to dive…
Alas! Didn’t see shallow waters
Could see the wound
But not the stained heart
As the blood flows
Can’t swim in shallow waters
Soul drowns
In search of depth
Can just afloat…


Seeped in again
Tormenting my mind
Echoing in vain
Unyeilding to bend

Waging a war
Befriending a thought after thought
That seem not afar
Alas! Again a thought needs to be fought

A yen for a sigh
Lost in a valley too deep
And the yell ain't  high
A thought finds a way to seep

Baffles the mind
Evades but never fades
Tempering the thoughts to bind
A mighty chase just ends...

Friday, September 12, 2008


The juice stall opposite Hinduja hospital is an uniquely eventful place, a live spectacle of human emotions in its most raw form. Often while the sweet nectar travels through my throat it manages to leave a lump in my throat, swallowed by triggering a thousand thoughts in a jiffy. This multi-utility place is an inconspicuous host to human drama every moment. It is quite oblivious to the intricate tales it weaves in its everyday simple transactions.
While I am sipping my juice I happen to notice this man characterised by a certain unperturbedness, he seems to be a man of very composed demeanour aptly reflected by his sharply edged facial features. But at this moment the play of emotions on his face  are narrating a different story he is squirmy like a fish craving for a drop of water as he's rummaging for a one rupee coin to use the payphone. One can't help but ponder how a mind is trying to seek the convenience of just a few seconds only to be preoccupied with a measly struggle of finding a one rupee coin or perhaps it's the only convenience affordable at the moment. As his struggle with a coin ceases my eyes capture a glimpse of few swift movements of a finger and a trimmed flow of words bringing forth his composed demeanor. A moment before he has hung the receiver I finally see a fish that has fetched a few drops of water as  some tears trail down his face blurring all the definitions. And a moment later my eyes fail to trace those swift rapid movements of his feet as he vamoosed while I am still sipping my juice.
It was a phenomena of just a few seconds, the briefest breakdown that I have ever witnessed in my life. It's  strange that life sometimes doesn't give you the liberty to cry to the fullest. I felt my juice was little sour but didn't feel like commenting over it as I rush to my workplace, perhaps one has to be economical

with emotions too.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hood Misunderstood!

Modern Day Red Robin Hood

With the advent of twenty fourth century, a buzz was around the world about the adventures of this man, who was the personification of social conscience? He was not just a man but also a savior of the oppressed, a symbol of right over might. There was so much hoopla surrounding him not for the ideals he stood for but for being the prince of thieves, like the robin hood of folklores. Unlike our legendary Robin Hood he was not fortunate enough to seek solace and refuge in the woods, which is a rare entity these days, his abode was far from the earth but not very far, a planet known as Mars. Being a resident of the planet mars people conferred him with the title of modern day Red Robin Hood.
Red Robin Hood in a very techno savvy style of 24th century adopted the modus operandi of 14th century’s Robin Hood. By being a master of bow he preserved the true tradition of Robin Hood. He would move around with his IFO (Identified Flying Object) along with an army of men from Mars yet again in the tradition of Robin Hood’s Merry Men. In Present times Robin Hood’s enemy Sheriff of Nottingham was embodied in form of our US president. All his strategies to trap Robin Hood were in vain as Robin Hood continued to rob the hearts of unfortunate souls all over the world…
Robin Hood’s first adventure began by robbing McDonalds and he continued to rob McDonalds all over the world to feed the destitute kids on the streets. He even robbed Barbie dolls for the kids. He went on to rob Starbucks and Harrods and Selfridges of the world in his mission to end poverty. He often targeted Bill Gates with an intention to end his monopoly, he held him hostage for good 100 times. He supported Linux, the open source software and spent millions for its development. His other favourite target was Richard Branson whose aircrafts he often hijacked to make life simpler for those unprivileged souls stranded on the earth…
Like every hero’s story is incomplete without his ladylove, Robin Hood’s chosen one was Fuchsia, Fair Marian’s counterpart in modern day Robin’s life. She was the princess of Nottingham whose strategic alliance was fixed with the Prince of Wales. Our red Robin Hood detained the Prince of Wales on Venus….
Finally US president created an interesting trap for Robin Hood; he announced Fame Universal Archery Championship to challenge him. Robin Hood succumbed to the temptation and won the championship and tasted fame but got trapped by the US army. Robin Hood negotiated his release with the president by offering him fifty percent control on Mars. Robin Hood was released and honoured as the vice president of US. He was given the special title of Earl of Washington thereby pioneering monarchy in America. Death didn’t end the life of Robin Hood but when his mission got wrapped in his vision to earn fame, Robin Hood died and the life of a man with a quest for power began….
Perhaps the fact is legend of Robin Hood is immortal in folktales but not in the world that is ruled by eminence and riches.


On the landscape of mind
Resides a beautiful dream
Fosters my sleep
Awakens my senses
As the eyes crawl
Vanishes in a haze
But caught in a maze of thoughts
A beautiful Intention
Weaved into a zest to live
Living my dream
Breathing my passion…

Friday, July 20, 2007

Some Raw Philosophy

After pondering over life's unwanted circumstances
I wonder they are born out of my own desires.
That's the biggest irony of life.Its strangely true that we tend to have a partial amnesia about our desires. Once our desires are realised, we keep figuring out what’s wrong?
hey! why this is happening to me?
Seldom do we remember what we desired at various time lines of our life. One such breakdown made me realise why I am so sad? A very funny realisation penetrated deep in to my mind and soul, echoing "Dear did you forget there was a moment in your life and a strong wish?"
Its a universally acknowledged truth that all our strong desires have the power to be true...
All that one desires is governed by perceptions
Perception is not actually reality, though it may seem so real.
All that we desire revolves in the arena of our limited knowledge.
Human want is a paradox. Desires and regrets are two sides of the same coin when dreams come true....
It’s a nightmare!